Dashboard Widget Manager

Discontinuation Notice:

WordPress 2.7 features a fully widgetized dashboard and allows you to hide widgets you don’t want to see. As a result, this plugin is now deprecated. I will however probably be releasing other plugins in the future to enhance the 2.7 dashboard (even more widgets, etc.).


WordPress 2.5 introduces a widgetized dashboard, but unfortunately no manager for it to rearrange and remove widgets. This plugin fills that need by creating a new admin page very similiar to the new sidebar widget manager.

Additionally, it makes it so that widget options as well as the order is stored on a per-user basis. This is great for those multi-user blogs.


Known Bugs:

Most widgets will show up with a double title on this plugin’s management page. This is a WordPress bug, one I can’t work around. Don’t worry though, it doesn’t affect your actual dashboard.


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