If You Aren’t Watching “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”, You Should Be

John Oliver of The Daily Show fame has been hosting his new show on HBO for a little over five months now. If you haven’t been watching it, you really should be.

While The Daily Show often covers important topics, it doesn’t have the opportunity to do so in depth because it’s hampered by the fact that there are commercials and guests cutting into the air time.

John Oliver however dives deep into just one or two subjects to make a much stronger point about the subject being covered. He has no guests or commercials.

For example his latest episode had a really striking piece about asset civil forfeiture by police. While that sounds dry and boring, he makes the subject matter compelling and tops it off with a bit of comedy to bring it home. Trust me — it’s worth watching this video until the end.

The outtakes are worth watching too.