A Note To Theme Authors About get_search_query()

UPDATE: As of WordPress 3.0, get_search_query() sanitizes its output and can be used directly.

Theme authors: the WordPress function get_search_query() is NOT sanitized! Don’t make the same mistake that I have in the past.

For example, this code taken from the LA-School blue theme is not safe:

<p><?php printf(__('You have searched the <a href="%1$s/">%2$s</a> blog archives for <strong>&#8216;%3$s&#8217;</strong>.', 'laschool'), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name'), get_search_query()); ?></p>

With that theme, that text will only be shown if there are search results meaning the code can’t easily be exploited in this particular theme, but it’s still unsafe. The proper way would be wrap the function in attribute_escape() like this:

<p><?php printf( __('You have searched the <a href="%1$s/">%2$s</a> blog archives for <strong>&#8216;%3$s&#8217;</strong>.', 'laschool'), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name'), attribute_escape( get_search_query() ) ); ?></p>

Of course if you don’t need the search query returned and just want to out it directly, then just use the_search_query() which will echo a totally safe version.

10 thoughts on “A Note To Theme Authors About get_search_query()

  1. So when you’re saying it’s not sanitized, I’m guessing that you’re saying that it’s susceptible to SQL injection?

    I just checked the codex page and it’s really sparse on any information and appears to suggest that the_search_query() and get_search_query() are synonymous. Any chance you’d be willing to edit the codex page? I was going to paste in your post, but I didn’t want to be presumptuous.

    Searched the themes in my wpmu install and none of our production themes use the function, but I did see that K2 does which I know comes with the Farms 100 pack.

  2. So when you’re saying it’s not sanitized, I’m guessing that you’re saying that it’s susceptible to SQL injection?

    He’s just saying that the function returns the raw value, just as it was passed into WordPress, and you can’t trust it. Otherwise, if you just echo it back to the browser without sanitizing it yourself, you could be opening up an XSS hole (cross-site scripting). Somebody could make a link elsewhere with evil code in it which could steal an unsuspecting visitor’s cookies, under the right conditions (the user has cookies from your blog, and they get tricked into clicking the evil link on some other site).

    Viper: why did you pass through attribute_escape() instead of wp_specialchars()? Wouldn’t that be a more appropriate choice for text destined to be displayed in the page? Does the extra invalid UTF check give any extra protection for this case?

  3. Dougal Campbell on May 8th, 2009 at 5:51 AM wrote:

    Viper: why did you pass through attribute_escape() instead of wp_specialchars()? Wouldn’t that be a more appropriate choice for text destined to be displayed in the page? Does the extra invalid UTF check give any extra protection for this case?

    Probably, but they’re very similar (I believe both are just complex versions of htmlspecialchars()). I just stole the code I posted though out of the_search_query() which is mainly meant for the search form (i.e. filling in the search box with the term you searched for).

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  6. Nice article, someone just reported an XSS in my site – it was the same issue the theme was just spitting out the search query raw as %s on the page which made it easily exploited.

    Switched it to the_search_query() and I’m safe again.

    Thanks! Because the WP Codex information of these functions SUCKS.

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