Twitter Weekly Updates For 2009-04-06

  • Starting to get burned out due to an excess of work. More normal sleep schedule would probably help (up until 7am every night of the week). #
  • The wonderful piece of software that is iTunes (that was sarcasm) managed to corrupt my entire library today. Awesome. #
  • RT @rmccue: Poll for new ops on #wordpress IRC channel: (I recommend: Viper007Bond, sivel, and me (rmccue) 🙂 ) #
  • Tomorrow is my least favorite day of the year. #
  • Woo hoo, GMail themes have finally come to Google Apps hosted e-mail! #
  • I must admit, I do enjoy the obvious jokes today. It’s the ones that attempt to actually fool people that I dislike. #
  • YouTube implements Australian-friendly interface: (via @mark_forrester) #
  • Just watched Stranger Than Fiction for the first time. What a great movie. Will Ferrel was quite good. Good to see him in that type of role. #
  • Woah, never realized WP-Super-Cache’s settings page had collapsible items. In my defense, it doesn’t say they are anywhere. @donncha #
  • Oh, and it doesn’t save my expand/collapse preferences. Seems a bit silly of a feature then. 🙁 @donncha #
  • No matter how many times I listen to Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park, it never gets old. #
  • Quick and easy test to see if your Windows PC has Conficker or not: #
  • RT @mattcutts: You really should try this Greasemonkey script for Twitter: It fixes lots of Twitter annoyances. #
  • I want to go to bed, but I have to get some more work done. /sigh #
  • Never seen the purpose of WP SEO plugins. I use WP out of the box (just pretty URLs enabled) and my blogs have a PR of 7 and 5. *shrug* #
  • RT @donncha: The 3 WP developer links I twittered last week: #
  • Woot, time to watch some Nitro Circus. #