
As many of you may know, the next installation of Half-Life 2 will be Episode Two. It picks up where Episode One leaves off. If you haven’t seen the trailer for Episode Two, then you can check it out on Steam.

Anyway, Episode Two will come bundled with two games — Team Fortress 2 (teaser trailer available here), the sequel to the hugely popular Half-Life 1 mod Team Fortress, and a game called “Portal”. Portal is a puzzle game of sorts where you are given a gun that allows you to create portals that you can travel through. Frankly, it’s a bit hard to explain, so I suggest you watch the awesome trailer.

You can either download a high resolution version or watch this crappy YouTube quality version:

If you’d like more information about this cool game, check out this great fan site run by a buddy of mine.

2 thoughts on ““Portal”

  1. Pingback: Corvillus » Blog Archive » Portal Trailer

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