April Fool’s Day

As many of you may know, I hate today (April Fool’s Day) with a passion. It’s not because I don’t find it funny sometimes, it’s because I’m just too damn gullible and always forget what day today is. Then I start thinking it’s true and it takes me forever to realize.

Anyway, here’s a couple good ones I’ve run across today. I’ll update the list as I find more and feel free to point out any good ones you’ve found via the comments of this post. 😉

2 thoughts on “April Fool’s Day

  1. Yeah I thought WordPattern and Google Romance were true ’til someone told me otherwise lol. And Slashdot had this pink hearts theme for awhile, but it’s gone now.

  2. Yep, I fell for the Google Romance thing as well. They’ve been adding so many extra things lately, the web site builder, etc, that I thought it was for real too.

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