“Quote Comment” v2.0 Released!

I’ve finally released the entirely recoded version of my Quote Comment plugin.

For those who haven’t heard of it before, this plugin allows commenters to quote other comments in their reply. It is highly cofigurable, all via an admin area options page. Try it out here.

As for what’s new in this version, well, everything is. In v1.x, the plugin was very simple. It’d take the content of a comment and use it to create a link that would paste the contents of that comment into the reply box.

Now, a placeholder is used instead. The default placeholder format is this: [Comment ID #123 Will Be Quoted Here]. When a comment is requested, Quote Comment replaces the placeholder with the real comment. The advantage of this is that any edits to the original comment show up in the quotes, formatting of past comments can easily be changed, etc. The only drawback is that the person quoting is not able to only quote part of the comment. Perhaps I’ll think of a way to do that later.

But for now, what are you waiting for? Go download it now!

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